The book Diagnóstico Munoicipal Choluteca, Choluteca has been registred with the ISBN 978-99926-685-1-1 in Agencia ISBN de Honduras. This book has been published by Postgrado Latinoamericano en Trabajo Social / Maestría en Demografía Social in 2004 in the city Tegucigalpa, in Honduras.
In addition to this record, there are another 24 books published by the same publisher. Standing out: Diagnostico Municipal La Venta, Francisco Morazán Diagnóstico Munoicipal Goascoran, Valle Diagnóstico Munoicipal San Antonio de Flores, Choluteca Diagnóstico Municipal San Lorenzo, Valle written by Elvis Geovany Trejo Teruel and Diagnóstico Municipal San Buenaventura, Francisco Morazán written by Alexander David Figueroa.
(Anónimo, 2004)
Diagnóstico Munoicipal Choluteca, Choluteca. (2004). Tegucigalpa, Honduras: Postgrado Latinoamericano en Trabajo Social / Maestría en Demografía Social
This book has been published in Honduras, in Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán. It was published in 2004.
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