The book Hablemos de elogio has been registred with the ISBN 978-99924-887-0-6 in Agencia Nicaragüense del ISBN. This book has been published by Fundación de Apoyo al Arte Creador Infantil in 2004 in the city Estelí, in Nicaragua.
In addition to this record, there are another 20 books published by the same publisher. Standing out: Caricia y arte. Una propuesta para desarrollar la creatividad en niñas y niños de preescolar written by PATH and Vicent Bolinches Técnicas de pintura libre written by Coralia del Socorro García Peralta Pintando libremente written by Coralia del Socorro García Peralta Dibujando con libertad written by Aura Isabel Sarantes Marín and Te imaginas un mundo sin colores written by Coralia del Socorro García Peralta.
(Maldonado, 2004)
Maldonado González, A. M. (2004). Hablemos de elogio. Estelí, Nicaragua: Fundación de Apoyo al Arte Creador Infantil
This book has been published in Nicaragua, in Estelí, Esteli. It was published in 2004.
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