The book Daños y desastres has been registred with the ISBN 978-99905-861-5-2 in Agencia ISBN, Cámara Departamental del Libro de La Paz. This book has been published by Nancy Gutiérrez de Gutiérrez in 2006 in the city Murillo, in Bolivia.
In addition to this record, there are another 11 books published by the same publisher. Standing out: Las inundaciones written by Nancy Gutiérrez de Gutiérrez Vientos del norte, vientos del sur written by Nancy Gutiérrez de Gutiérrez Mapa de riesgos written by Nancy Gutiérrez de Gutiérrez Los deslizamientos written by Nancy Gutiérrez de Gutiérrez and Fenómenos naturales, los incendios written by Nancy Gutiérrez de Gutiérrez.
(Gutiérrez, 2006)
Gutiérrez de Gutiérrez, N. (2006). Daños y desastres. Murillo, Bolivia: Nancy Gutiérrez de Gutiérrez
This book has been published in Bolivia, in Murillo, La Paz. It was published in 2006.
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