The book Viajes a Través de los Majestuosos Andes de Ecuador has been registred with the ISBN 978-9978-04-002-7 in Cámara Ecuatoriana del Libro, Agencia Ecuatoriana del ISBN. This book has been published by Ediciones Abya-Yala in 1994 in the city Quito, in Ecuador.
In addition to this record, there are another 2645 books published by the same publisher. Standing out: Teología India Mayense written by Roque Barros Laraia illustrated by Diego Corrales Acuarelas de mi Tierra written by Ricardo Crowley Las Neurociencias en el Ecuador written by Bruce Alden Cox illustrated by Diego Corrales Cuatro Años entre los Ecuatorianos (5) written by Ignacio Hernando De Larramendi illustrated by Diego Corrales and Formas de la alteridad edited by Stephan Amend and Thora Amend.
(Santecchia, I. F. Gastaldi y N. Gastaldi, 1994)
Santecchia, B., Gastaldi Alberiore, I. y Gastaldi, N. (1994). Viajes a Través de los Majestuosos Andes de Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador: Ediciones Abya-Yala
This book has been published in Ecuador, in Quito, Pichincha. It was published in 1994.
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