The book Noé delirante has been registred with the ISBN 978-9972-210-03-7 in Agencia Peruana del ISBN. This book has been published by Universidad Alas Peruanas in 2005 in the city Lima, in Peru.
In addition to this record, there are another 241 books published by the same publisher. Standing out: El secreto de Machu Picchu written by Ernesto Cardenal Ica : apuntes monográficos written by Raúl Sotil Galindo Los incas y el inicio de la guerra de reconquista written by Edmundo Guillén Guillén Los incas y el trágico final del Tawantinsuyo written by Edmundo Guillén Guillén and Derecho romano written by Nórvil Cieza Montenegro and Willy Ramírez Chávarry.
(Corcuera, 2005)
Corcuera Osores, A. (2005). Noé delirante. Lima, Peru: Universidad Alas Peruanas
This book has been published in Peru, in Lima, Lima. It was published in 2005.
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