The book 1930- has been registred with the ISBN 978-980-207-002-2 in Agencia Venezolana del ISBN. This book has been published by Hijas de San Pablo (Ediciones Paulinas) in 1985 in the city Caracas, in Venezuela.
In addition to this record, there are another 959 books published by the same publisher. Standing out: Palabra cristiana del Libertador written by Raúl Llorente Gutiérrez Manual del Ejercito azul de Nuestra Señora de Fátima. written by Equipo del Movimiento Ejército Azul de Nuestra Señ Misal festivo del pueblo de Dios N.T. written by Biblia and Para ti joven written by Jesús Cuadrado Andrés.
(Peraza, 1985)
Peraza González, J. F. (1985). 1930-. Caracas, Venezuela: Hijas de San Pablo (Ediciones Paulinas)
This book has been published in Venezuela, in Caracas, Distrito Capital. It was published in 1985.
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