The book La negociación el los procesos de cobranza has been registred with the ISBN 978-980-17-0000-5 in Agencia Venezolana del ISBN. This book has been published by Editorial CEC, Los Libros de El Nacional in 2016 in the city Sucre (Petare), in Venezuela.
In addition to this record, there are another 1155 books published by the same publisher. Standing out: Nuevas tecnologías de información en las PyMe written by Tomás Páez Pastas y más pastas written by Víctor Antonio Moreno Carballería Yordano written by Gerardo Guarache Ocque Baticocina written by Bat Lancry and Cóbrelo usted mismo written by Enrique Rosas González.
(Rosas, 2016)
Rosas González, E. (2016). La negociación el los procesos de cobranza. Sucre (Petare), Venezuela: Editorial CEC, Los Libros de El Nacional
This book has been published in Venezuela, in Sucre (Petare), Miranda. It was published in 2016.
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