The book Las instituciones y el sector exportador en el área metropolitana en Bucaramanga has been registred with the ISBN 978-958-9318-91-1 in Agencia Colombiana del ISBN. This book has been published by Universidad Industrial de Santander in 2002 in the city Bucaramanga, in Colombia.
In addition to this record, there are another 574 books published by the same publisher. Standing out: Metodología in vitro de vegetales written by Blanca L. Cañas Cañas Metodología de la audioconferencia written by Jean Michel Chaupart Plásticos (materiales y procesos) written by Hernán Rojas García Aplicaciones de diseño de máquinas written by Hernán Rojas García and Aprendiendo a ser ética escolar written by Reinaldo Suárez Diaz.
(Pérez, 2002)
Pérez González, L. M. (2002). Las instituciones y el sector exportador en el área metropolitana en Bucaramanga. Bucaramanga, Colombia: Universidad Industrial de Santander
This book has been published in Colombia, in Bucaramanga, Santander. It was published in 2002.
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