The book Publicación Agid no.16:Geología Ambiental y Geomor has been registred with the ISBN 978-958-9041-07-9 in Agencia Colombiana del ISBN. This book has been published by Universidad Eafit in 1991 in the city Medellin, in Colombia.
In addition to this record, there are another 1000 books published by the same publisher. Standing out: Environmental geology and natural hazards of the a written by Michel Hermelin Matemáticas básicas para la informática written by León López Ortiz and Raul Gómez Marín Control de procesos written by Adalberto Gabriel Díaz Torres El Mercadeo en la industria de la confección written by Belisario Gerardo Cabrejos Doig and Investigación de mercadeo written by Belisario Gerardo Cabrejos Doig.
(Varios, 1991)
Varios (1991). Publicación Agid no.16:Geología Ambiental y Geomor. Medellin, Colombia: Universidad Eafit
This book has been published in Colombia, in Medellin, Antioquia. It was published in 1991.
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