The book Cultura Política en el Departamento del Cesar has been registred with the ISBN 978-958-8409-34-4 in Agencia Colombiana del ISBN. This book has been published by Universidad Popular del Cesar in 2013 in the city Valledupar, in Colombia.
In addition to this record, there are another 178 books published by the same publisher. Standing out: La Transgresión del Silencio written by Óscar Andrés Ariza Daza illustrated by Ineris Luisa Cuello de Ávila Aforismos, Sentencias y Pensamientos written by Alfredo Daza Suárez with participation of Óscar Andrés Ariza Daza Herramientas de Escritura para la Edición y Publicación Física y Virtual de Textos written by Donald Freddy Calderón Noguera illustrated by Esteban de Jesús Díaz Caamaño Estrategias y Técnicas ^Para Promover Una Cultura de Aprendizaje Autonómo written by Luis Zabaleta Cabrales and Historia, Identidades, Cultura Popular y Música Tradicional en el Caribe Colombiano written by Hugues Rafael Sánchez Mejía with participation of Edgardo Remicio.
(Jimenez y Sanchez, 2013)
Jimenez Jimenez, A. y Sanchez Contreras, C. (2013). Cultura Política en el Departamento del Cesar. Valledupar, Colombia: Universidad Popular del Cesar
This book has been published in Colombia, in Valledupar, Cesar. It was published in 2013.
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