The book Poemas Vallecaucanos has been registred with the ISBN 978-958-58448-1-0 in Agencia Colombiana del ISBN. This book has been published by Fundación Bibliotec in 2014 in the city Cali, in Colombia.
In addition to this record, there are another 11 books published by the same publisher. Standing out: Cóndores No Entierran Todos Los Días. Colección Lecturas Vallecaucanas written by Gustavo Alvarez Gardeazabal María written by Jorge Isaacs El Alférez Real written by Eustaquio Palacios El Demonio en la Proa written by Edgard Collazos and La Ceniza del Libertador written by Fernando Cruz Kronfly.
(Nieto, 2014)
Nieto Calle, R. (2014). Poemas Vallecaucanos. Cali, Colombia: Fundación Bibliotec
This book has been published in Colombia, in Cali, Valle del Cauca. It was published in 2014.
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