The book Cuidado humanizado en salud has been registred with the ISBN 978-958-5504-23-3 in Agencia Colombiana del ISBN. This book has been published by Universidad CESMAG in 2018 in the city Pasto, in Colombia.
In addition to this record, there are another 133 books published by the same publisher. Standing out: El sentido de la vida y de la solidaridad written by Emma Del Pilar Rojas Vergara, Olga Yolanda Guerrero Yela and Segundo Emilio Acosta Díaz Estrategias competitivas para el eslabón de trasformación de la cadena láctea written by Genys Patricia Rodriguez Hernandez, Luz Nayibe Arcos Castillo and Marleny Cecilia Farinango Vivanco Creatividad written by Ana del Carmen Mesias Buchely and Margoth Teresa Gallardo Ceron Tras las huellas de Francisco de Asís written by Emma Del Pilar Rojas Vergara, Myriam del Socorro Espinoza Pabón and Segundo Emilio Acosta Díaz and Pirámides financieras y falsos faraones en San Juan de Pasto written by Ana Lucia Casanova Guerrero, Gloria Alicia Rivera Vallejo and Juan Carlos Estrada Alava.
(Cano, Caicedo y Ruiz, 2018)
Cano Álvarez, I., Caicedo Bucheli, M. y Ruiz Torres, M. (2018). Cuidado humanizado en salud. Pasto, Colombia: Universidad CESMAG
This book has been published in Colombia, in Pasto, Nariño. It was published in 2018.
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