The book Derecho procesal del siglo XXI. Visión innovadora has been registred with the ISBN 978-958-5473-09-6 in Agencia Colombiana del ISBN. This book has been published by Universidad de Medellín in 2018 in the city Medellin, in Colombia.
In addition to this record, there are another 612 books published by the same publisher. Standing out: Inducción Matemática y Operadores written by Francisco Mejía Duque and Rafael Alvarez Jiménez Factorización written by Francisco Mejía Duque and Rafael Alvarez Jiménez Lectura y Escritura en la Educación Superior written by John Jaime Osorio Osorio and Jorge Ignacio Ortega Compendio de Telecomunicaciones written by Jairo Buitrago Angulo and Actualizaciones del Lenguaje written by Lorenza Correa Restrepo.
(Mazuera Zuluaga et al, 2018)
Mazuera Zuluaga, A., Nash Rojas, C., Agudelo Mejía, D., Velandia Canosa, E., Hernandez Medina, G., Nieva Fenoll, J., Giraldo Rojas, J., Fach Gómez, K., Pabón Giraldo, L., Padilla Sanabria, L., Bujosa Vadell, L., Pacheco Mandujano, L., Toro Garzón, L., Ángel, M., Dávila, M., Agudelo Ramírez, M., Taruffo, M., Bustamante Rúa, M., Gozaíni, O.,... Newman Pont, V. (2018). Derecho procesal del siglo XXI. Visión innovadora. Medellin, Colombia: Universidad de Medellín
This book has been published in Colombia, in Medellin, Antioquia. It was published in 2018.
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