The book Las Primeras leyes obreras has been registred with the ISBN 978-950-25-0042-3 in Agencia Argentina de ISBN Cámara Argentina del Libro. This book has been published by Centro Editor de América Latina in 1984 in the city Buenos Aires, in Argentina.
In addition to this record, there are another 153 books published by the same publisher. Standing out: Historia del socialismo argentino written by Jacinto Oddone La Crisis de 1930 written by Juan V. Orona, Ricardo M. Ortiz and Roberto Etchepareborda Yrigoyen 1 written by Roberto Etchepareborda Yrigoyen 2 written by Roberto Etchepareborda and Mujeres peronistas written by Estela Dos Santos.
(Panettieri, 1984)
Panettieri, J. (1984). Las Primeras leyes obreras. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Centro Editor de América Latina
This book has been published in Argentina, in Buenos Aires, CF. It was published in 1984.
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