The book Destino Fraguado con Nieve de Limón has been registred with the ISBN 978-607-95143-1-0 in Agencia ISBN México. This book has been published by Yecolti in 2009 in the city Benito Juárez, in Mexico.
In addition to this record, there are another 15 books published by the same publisher. Standing out: Aula Cordial; competencias ante la violencia escolar written by Julieta Flores Santacruz and Manuel Galvan Izquierdo Visita Domiciliaria Para Trabajo Social written by Claudia García Pastrana, Georgina Suzanna Volkers Gaussmann and Victor Miguel Zúñiga Hernández La Entrevista En La Intervención Individualizada: Un Encuentro Entre Personas written by Julieta Flores Santacruz and Socorro García Rivas Comunidad familiar written by Manuel Galvan Izquierdo and Instrumento para la evaluación diagnostica individualizada de los grupos: rauagev written by Claudia Cecilia López Olmedo.
(Galvan, 2009)
Galvan Izquierdo, M. (2009). Destino Fraguado con Nieve de Limón. Benito Juárez, Mexico: Yecolti
This book has been published in Mexico, in Benito Juárez, Ciudad de México, DF. It was published in 2009.
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