The book Antes del Amanecer (Poemas del Vampiro) has been registred with the ISBN 978-607-441-001-3 in Agencia ISBN México. This book has been published by Universidad de Guanajuato in 2008 in the city Guanajuato, in Mexico.
In addition to this record, there are another 677 books published by the same publisher. Standing out: Configuraciones Formativas. Formación y Autonomía Los cascarones de concreto con forma de paraboloide hiperbólico written by Manuel Angel Laing Castañeda El mundo a través del cine. Cine Club de la Universidad de Guanajuato. 50 años de trayectoria (1958-2008) written by Jorge Olmos Fuentes Tiempo y amor en la filosofía de Bergson written by Jose Ezcurdia Corona and Aproximaciones al Estudio de la psicobioloía del comportamiento written by Jose Alberto Barradas Bribiesca, Leticia Chacon Gutierrez, Marisela Her and Miguel Angel Guevara Perez.
(Vazquez, 2008)
Vazquez Nieto, P. (2008). Antes del Amanecer (Poemas del Vampiro). Guanajuato, Mexico: Universidad de Guanajuato
This book has been published in Mexico, in Guanajuato, Guanajuato. It was published in 2008.
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